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8 files changed, 276 insertions, 0 deletions
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+rss = "GSoC 2020: First Check-In"
+date = Date(2020, 6, 1)
+@def tags = ["pip", "gsoc"]
+# First Check-In
+Hi everyone, I am McSinyx, a Vietnamese undergraduate student
+who loves [free software][].  This summer I am working with
+the maintainers and the contributors of `pip` to make
+the package manager {{pip 825 "download in parallel"}}.
+## What did I do during the community bonding period?
+Aside from bonding with `pip`'s maintainers and contributors as well as
+with my mentors, I was also experimenting on the theoretical and technical
+obstacles blocking this GSoC project.  Pradyun Gedam (a mentor of mine)
+suggested making [a proof of concept][] to determine if parallel downloading
+can play nicely with ResolveLib_'s abstraction and we are reviewing it
+together.  On the technical side, we `pip`'s committers are exploring
+{{pip 8169 "available options for parallelization"}} and I made an attempt to
+{{pip 8320 "make use of Python's standard worker pool in a portable way"}}.
+## Did I get stuck anywhere?
+Yes, of course!  Neither of the experiments above is finished as of
+this moment.  Though, I am optimistic that the issues will not be
+real blockers and we will figure that out in the next few days.
+## What is coming up next?
+As planned, this week I am going to refactor the package downloading code
+in `pip`.  The main purpose is to decouple the networking code from
+the package preparation operation and make sure that it is thread-safe.
+In addition, I am also continuing mentioned experiments to have a better
+confidence on the future of this GSoC project.
+To other GSoC students, mentors and admins reading this, I am wishing
+you all good health and successful projects this summer!
+[free software]: https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html
+[a proof of concept]: https://gist.github.com/McSinyx/513dbff71174fcc79f1cb600e09881af
+[ResolveLib]: https://pypi.org/project/resolvelib
diff --git a/blog/2020/gsoc/checkin/2.md b/blog/2020/gsoc/checkin/2.md
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+rss = "GSoC 2020: Second Check-In"
+date = Date(2020, 6, 15)
+@def tags = ["pip", "gsoc"]
+# Second Check-In
+Hi everyone and may the odds ever in your favor, especially during this
+tough time!
+## What did I do last week?
+Not as much I wished, apparently (-:
+* Finalizing {{pip 8411 "the refactoring patch"}}
+  of `operations.prepare.prepare_linked_requirement`
+* {{pip 8423 "Nitpicking some logging calls"}}.  This (as well as the next one)
+  was to fill up the time my brain not being as productive as I want it to XD
+* {{pip 8423 "Beginning to migrate"}} from `%`- to `{}`-style logging.
+  The amount of tests failing due to this was way beyond my imagination,
+  but I got functional tests for `pip install` and unit tests passing now!
+* {{pip 8442 "Mocking up a working partial wheel download during
+  dependency resolution"}} for [the new resolver][].
+## Did I get stuck anywhere?
+Yes, of course!  {{pip 8320 "Parallel maps"}} are still stalling
+as well as other small PRs listed above.  The failure related to
+`logging` are still making me pulling my hair out and the proof of
+concept for partial wheel downloading is too ugly even for a PoC.
+I imagine that I will have a lot of clean up to do this week (yay!).
+## What is coming up next?
+I'm trying get the multi-{threading,processing} facilities merged ASAP
+to start rolling it out in practice.  The first thing popping out of my
+head is to get back {{pip 7962 "the multi-threaded"}} `pip list -o`.
+The other experimental improvement (this phrase does not sound right!)
+I would like to get done is the partial wheel download.  It would be
+really nice if I can get both included as `unstable-feature`'s
+in {{pip 7628#issuecomment-636319539 "the upcoming beta release of pip 20.2"}}.
+[the new resolver]: http://www.ei8fdb.org/thoughts/2020/05/test-pips-alpha-resolver-and-help-us-document-dependency-conflicts/
diff --git a/blog/2020/gsoc/checkin/3.md b/blog/2020/gsoc/checkin/3.md
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+rss = "GSoC 2020: Third Check-In"
+date = Date(2020, 6, 29)
+@def tags = ["pip", "gsoc"]
+# Third Check-In
+Holla, holla, holla!  Last seven days has not been a really productive week
+for me, though I think there are still some nice things to share with
+you all here!  The good news is that I've finish my last leçon as a somophore,
+the bad news is that I have a bunch of upcoming tests, mainly in the form
+of group projects and/or presentation (phew!).  Enough about me,
+let's get back to `pip`:
+## What did I do last week?
+Not much, actually )-:
+* Write some tests for {{pip 8467 "the HTTP range mapping for wheel"}}.
+* {{pip 8504 "Try to bring back"}} multithreaded `pip list --outdated`
+  and `--uptodate`, as {{pip 8320 "the parallel <code>map</code>"}} was merged
+  earlier today.
+* Nitpick {{pip 8332}}
+  (yep it's a new low for me to include this to the list (-:).
+## Did I get stuck anywhere?
+Not exactly, since I didn't do much d-;  [Many of my PRs][] are stalling though.
+On one hand the maintainers of `pip` are all volunteers working in
+their free time, on the other hand I don't think I have tried hard enough
+to get their attention on my PRs.
+## What is coming up next?
+I'll try my best getting the following merged upstream before
+{{pip 8206 "the upcoming beta release"}}:
+* Parallel networking for `pip list`: {{pip 8504}}
+* Lazy wheel for dependency information: {{pip 8467}}, {{pip 8411}}
+  (to determine if hashing is required) and {{pip 8467#issuecomment-648717032
+  "a new patch introducing this as an unstable feature"}}
+[Many of my PRs]: https://github.com/pulls?q=is:open+is:pr+author:McSinyx+repo:pypa/pip+sort:updated-desc
diff --git a/blog/2020/gsoc/checkin/4.md b/blog/2020/gsoc/checkin/4.md
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+rss = "GSoC 2020: Fourth Check-In"
+date = Date(2020, 7, 13)
+@def tags = ["pip", "gsoc"]
+# Fourth Check-In
+Hello there! I'm having my second year's last exam tomorrow,
+but it [feels like summer][] already!  I've been finalizing quite a few things
+to get them ready for pip 20.2b2.
+## What did I do last week?
+I've spent most of the time on getting {{pip 8532 "the opt-in"}} for obtaining
+dependency information via lazy wheels ready.  It will be available as
+`--use-feature=fast-deps` and only has effect when
+`--use-feature=2020-resolver` also presents.
+While waiting for reviews and suggestions, I made some patches for
+internal cleansing, namely {{pip 8568}}, {{pip 8571}} and {{pip 8578}}.
+Some of the similar patches I made earlier were also merged last week:
+{{pip 8456}} and {{pip 8538}}.
+## Did I get stuck anywhere?
+Not really, everything was going as expected for me.
+## What is coming up next?
+After {{pip 8532}}, I'll work on the parallel download of the postponed wheels.
+My main current concern is with how the download progress will be reported
+to the users, but I think I'll figure it out soon.
+[feels like summer]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F1B9Fk_SgI0
diff --git a/blog/2020/gsoc/checkin/5.md b/blog/2020/gsoc/checkin/5.md
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+rss = "GSoC 2020: Fifth Check-In"
+date = Date(2020, 7, 27)
+@def tags = ["pip", "gsoc"]
+# Fifth Check-In
+Hello and I hope y'all are still doing well!
+## What did I do last week?
+I was not really productive last week—most of the following tickets are fillers
+to make use of the spare cycles I had when I was still trying to figure out
+the way to implement the main work.
+* Finalize the `--use-feature=fast-deps` flag ({{pip 8588}})
+* Improve mocking of environment variables in the test suit ({{pip 8614}})
+* Finalize the fix for verbose/quiet options specified via
+  configuration files and environment variables ({{pip 8578}})
+* Clean up a tiny bit in the resolver internal API ({{pip 8629}})
+* Start working on seperating the download of wheels
+  from dependency resolution ({{pip 8638}})
+## Did I get stuck anywhere?
+I'm struggling on refactoring the code to support separate download.
+`pip`'s codebase was not intended for this and thus there are
+many execution paths and other details entangled around the relevant area.
+## What is coming up next?
+`pip` 20.2 is going to be released within the next few days with
+`--use-feature=fast-deps` included and I'm mentally prepare to fix
+any undiscovered problem.  At the same time, I will continue working
+on {{pip 8638}} and hopefully get it done soon enough to begin drafting
+download parallelization strategies, mostly with the UI.
diff --git a/blog/2020/gsoc/checkin/6.md b/blog/2020/gsoc/checkin/6.md
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+rss = "GSoC 2020: Sixth Check-In"
+date = Date(2020, 8, 10)
+@def tags = ["pip", "gsoc"]
+# Sixth Check-In
+Hello there!
+## What did I do last week?
+It has been a quite fun week for me, given the current state of
+development and the newly dicovered bugs thanks to pip 20.2 release:
+* Initiate discussion with the maintainers of pip on isolating
+  networking code for late download in parallel ({{pip 8697}})
+* Discuss the UI of parallel download ({{pip 8698}})
+* Log debug information relating lazy wheel decision ({{pip 8710}})
+* Disable caching for range requests ({{pip 8716}})
+* Dedent late download logs ({{pip 8722}})
+* Add a hook for batch downloading (third attempt I think) ({{pip 8737}})
+* Test hash checking for fast-deps ({{pip 8743}})
+## Did I get stuck anywhere?
+Not exactly, everything is going smoothly and I'm feeling awesome!
+## What is coming up next?
+I'll try to solve {{pip 8697}} and {{pip 8698}} within the next few days.
+I am optimistic that the parallel download prototype will be done
+within this week.
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+rss = "GSoC 2020: Final Check-In"
+date = Date(2020, 8, 24)
+@def tags = ["pip", "gsoc"]
+# Final Check-In
+Hello there!
+## What did I do last week?
+Not much, but seemingly implementation-wise I have finished my GSoC project:
+* Finish the implementation of wheels' parallel download ({{pip 8771}})
+* Help make `pip`'s CI green again ({{pip 8790}})
+* Reformat a few spots in user guide ({{pip 8795}})
+## Did I get stuck anywhere?
+I got sick, but I am recovering now!
+## What is coming up next?
+I will try to spend the time I got left within the scope of GSoC
+to {{pip 8720 "improve cache usage of the fast-deps feature"}}.
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+# GSoC 2020 Check Ins
+Weekly check ins answer a few short questions as a sort of status report:
+* {{abslink blog/2020/gsoc/checkin/1}}
+* {{abslink blog/2020/gsoc/checkin/2}}
+* {{abslink blog/2020/gsoc/checkin/3}}
+* {{abslink blog/2020/gsoc/checkin/4}}
+* {{abslink blog/2020/gsoc/checkin/5}}
+* {{abslink blog/2020/gsoc/checkin/6}}
+* {{abslink blog/2020/gsoc/checkin/7}}